Manufacturing Tecnology

Millennials, Gen Z want NFTs in investment portfolios: poll

Millennials, Gen Z want NFTs in investment portfolios: poll

Millennials, Gen Z want NFTs in investment portfolios: poll More than half of millennials and nearly three-quarters of Generation Z are considering including NFTs into their investment portfolios, reveals a new survey. The findings from a global poll carried out by deVere Group, one of the world’s leading financial advisory, asset management and fintech organisations, show that 52% of those born between 1980 and 1996, and 74% of those born between 1997 and 2012, would welcome the inclusion of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) into their portfolio mix. More than 600 of the organisation’s clients under the age of 42 were surveyed...

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STUDY FINDS ONE IN FOUR TRADERS DESCRIBE BITCOIN VOLATILITY PREDICITVE TOOLS AS AVERAGE OR POOR     94% would trade more if they had greater confidence in Bitcoin volatility predictive tools  Newly launched BTC Range Report is one of the most powerful Bitcoin prediction tools in the market     One in four (24%) of those who trade at least $1,000 a month in Bitcoin describe volatility predictive tools and services as average or poor. This is according to new research from GNY, the leading blockchain-based machine learning business, which recently launched BTC Range Report, providing some of the most accurate forecasts...

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En 10 años como Pueblo Mágico, Autlán consolida su vocación turística

En 10 años como Pueblo Mágico, Autlán consolida su vocación turística

En 10 años como Pueblo Mágico, Autlán consolida su vocación turística  -Las y los habitantes mantienen la técnica prehispánica de elaboración de papel amate -Tiene una amplia oferta gastronómica, como tamales, cecina ahumada, pipián y una variedad de vinos y licores de frutas  CIUDAD DE PUEBLA, Pue. - Este 23 de marzo Pahuatlán celebra 10 años de su nombramiento como Pueblo Mágico, denominación que le ha permitido consolidar su vocación turística y contribuir al desarrollo económico de su población, lo que se ha reflejado en su derrama económica, que en promedio al año oscila en los 4.5 millones de pesos, informa la...

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Best optimized LPR Engine from Edge Device to the Cloud

Best optimized LPR Engine from Edge Device to the Cloud

Best optimized LPR Engine from Edge Device to the Cloud  CARRIDA presents latest LPR technology
at ISC West and Intertraffic Amsterdam  The CARRIDA SDK detects and reads all license plates worldwide, with highest accuracy and additional features such as make & model recognition and vehicle classification. It runs hardware independent on any PC-based system, edge device or cloud / server. (Copyright @CARRIDA Technologies) Fastest reading rates and highest possible LPR accuracy, AI based vehicle identification and cross-platform optimized software: CARRIDA Technologies, provider of leading LPR software solutions and edge devices, will present its latest developments at trade shows ISC West (March...

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Ammeraal Beltech launches EP uniTool

Ammeraal Beltech launches EP uniTool

Ammeraal Beltech launches EP uniTool Ammeraal Beltech launches its innovative new design facilitation and knowledge resource, the EP uniTool, as part of an ongoing strategy to better serve its customers. As part of an ongoing digital strategy, Ammeraal Beltech has created a new resource that allows its engineers to correctly dimension conveyor belts for any application faster and more accurately than ever before, harnessing decades of experience and knowhow across the widest possible range of applications. EP uniTool is yet another very important step in the digitalising of the conveyer business. As always, our aim is to bring our customers...

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